For releasing addictions and obsessions, the following energy systems and attunements are recommended:
Recommended Energy Systems for Addictions:
Velvet Pearls Technique™: This system is known for promoting emotional balance, stress reduction, and uplifting well-being, making it effective for addressing underlying emotional triggers behind addictions.
Kundalini Reiki® Ultimate: Kundalini energy can help in cleansing and releasing deep-rooted patterns and blockages, making it beneficial for breaking free from various types of addictions.
Fire Reiki™: This energy is powerful for purification and transformation, helping to burn away old habits and energies that no longer serve the person.
Emerald Essence™: With its focus on emotional and physical healing, this essence can support the heart chakra and help in healing codependency and emotional attachments.
Green Aventurine Essence™: Known for its calming properties and ability to promote inner strength and peace, it can help in overcoming cravings and promoting a positive mindset.
Recommended Energy Systems for Obsessions:
Rhodonite: This essence focuses on self-love and overcoming fear of rejection, making it suitable for releasing unhealthy attachments to relationships or people.
Moonstone Essence™: Helps in releasing emotional stress, enhancing self-love, and connecting to the divine feminine energy, which can be supportive for those struggling with obsessive behavior.
Relief & Positive Transformation from Archangel Uriel: This energy helps in grounding, transformation, and releasing negativity, which is essential for overcoming obsessive thoughts and behaviors.
Transformation & Cleansing Attunement Package: Designed for deep cleansing and transformation, this attunement can help release energetic ties to obsessive patterns and toxic relationships.
Rebirth Reiki™: Helps with personal growth and spiritual renewal, supporting individuals in letting go of past patterns and embracing new, healthier behaviors.
Guidance for Using these Energies:
It's important to remember that the individual's readiness and willingness to release these behaviors are crucial for the effectiveness of any energy work. Once they are ready, these energy systems can be used to support their journey towards freedom and balance.