Each of these "4 Swift Archangel Energies" works in only 2-3 minutes!
These are excellent, both in combination with other energies, but also alone, if you need to perform a super quick energy or healing session on the spot!
The combined benefits from the energies in this package:
• Extremely Swift Energies
• Protection
• Kundalini Strengthening & Activation
• Neutralizes negativity
• Chakra Cleansing & Balancing
• Grounding
• Easy to use
• Good both for beginners and experienced healers
• Stand-alone energies
• No pre-requisites
This package contains the following attunements:
1 - Pearl Protection Sphere from Archangel Gabriel is a very gentle energy that creates a strong cocoon around us. It forms a protective layer that emits “Angel frequency” around our ethereal body and it protects us from any negativity that might come into our aura. It could be negative thought forms, negative entities, or fallen spirits. Pearl Protection Sphere can be activated any time, especially before sleep or in the morning as a "preparation" for the day! Pearl Protection Sphere is a very swift energy that only takes 2-3 minutes to perform!
2 - Kundalini Meridian Activation from Archangel Michael is a very protective, potent, bright, white, cool, energy that further activates and strengthens the kundalini! It cleanses, purifies, and emits a high “Angel frequency” that helps protect you! Kundalini Meridian Activation is a very swift energy that only takes 2-3 minutes to perform!
3 - Green Healers Hand from Archangel Raphael is a very protective, cleansing, and balancing energy! It is excellent to use for Reiki massage and massage in general! Green Healers Hand is a very swift energy that only takes 2-3 minutes to perform!
4 - Relief & Positive Transformation from Archangel Uriel streams from God, passes down through our body and then connects to Mother Earth. It is deeply transformational energy, like Gold Reiki and really good to use in combination with Gold Reiki. Relief & Positive Transformation is a thick golden light from God that transforms our whole body on a cellular level. It goes through our chakras on the feet and grounds us effectively! Negativity is transformed and released to Mother Earth. It has the same effect as if you were grounding directly on soil, but in a stronger and faster way! If it’s not possible to ground by standing bare feet on soil, this energy can be used. Also, this energy is very nice to use after a working day. It might be that your energy field is full of other people's energy, example after going by public transportation, in crowded places with many people, hospitals etc. This energy will help cleanse, strengthen, and purify you! Relief & Positive Transformation is a swift energy that only takes 2-3 minutes to perform!
Includes a manual and a beautiful certificate!