KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE - Introducing Healing Mastery & Spiritual Evolution

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*** Please click here to read our blog post about the new Kundalini Reiki Ultimate ***

The combined benefits of the KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE system: 

◉ THE SAFEST KUNDALINI AWAKENING - The awakening of Kundalini energy offers a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual elevation, enveloping one in an embrace of heightened consciousness and inner harmony. This transformative ascent fosters a deeper connection to one's true essence, illuminating the path to wholeness and boundless inner peace.

◉ ENHANCED ENERGY FLOW - KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE works by awakening and aligning the dormant Kundalini energy at the base of the spine. This results in an invigorated and balanced flow of energy throughout the body, helping you feel more alive and vibrant.

◉ DEEP RELAXATION - Like other forms of Reiki, KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE offers deep relaxation. This relaxation helps combat stress, anxiety, and tension, paving the way for inner peace and mental clarity.

◉ EMOTIONAL HEALING - KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE aids in healing emotional wounds, whether they stem from past traumas or recent events. It offers solace and provides tools to confront and heal these emotional scars.

◉ PHYSICAL HEALING - This form of Reiki can also promote physical healing by channeling the energy into the body, assisting in the healing of ailments and enhancing overall health.

◉ STRENGTHENED INTUITION - Tapping into the Kundalini energy can heighten one's intuition. This enhanced intuitive sense can guide you in making decisions that align with your true self and purpose.

◉ ENHANCED SPIRITUAL GROWTH - KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE serves as a pathway for spiritual awakening and growth. It can deepen one's connection to the universe, providing insights into the nature of the self and the cosmos.

◉ BALANCED CHAKRAS - Kundalini energy works directly with the chakra system. Through KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE, your chakras are cleansed, balanced, and aligned, ensuring that life force energy flows harmoniously within.

◉ CONNECTION TO HIGHER SELF - As you delve deeper into the practice of KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE, you'll find yourself more connected to your higher self. This connection facilitates personal growth, self-understanding, and an enriched sense of purpose.

◉ CREATIVITY BOOST - With balanced energy and a clearer mind, many practitioners find a boost in their creative abilities. Whether it's work, writing, painting, or any other creative endeavor, KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE can act as a catalyst.

◉ UNIVERSAL LOVE AND COMPASSION - As you practice and internalize the teachings of KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE, you'll find yourself enveloped in a cocoon of universal love and compassion, not just for yourself but for all beings.

◉ STAND-ALONE HEALING SYSTEM - This Reiki offers the embrace of a holistic approach, tailored to meet individual needs and journeys. Its independent nature nurtures the soul, ensuring that one finds harmony, balance, healing and transformation. 

◉ EASY-TO-USE HEALING SYSTEM - KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE offers straightforward paths to wellness and balance. Its simplicity invites all, making healing accessible and nurturing. 

◉ NO PREREQUISITE HEALING SYSTEM - This Reiki welcomes every soul with open arms, ensuring that the gift of healing and transformation is accessible to all, irrespective of their past experiences or knowledge. 

◉ GOOD FOR BEGINNERS AND EXPERIENCED HEALERS - KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE healing system offers a nurturing pathway for newcomers and deepens the journey for the adept. It's a harmonious dance of foundational learning and advanced exploration, ensuring everyone finds their rhythm in the world of healing.



THE MOST POWERFUL UPGRADE EVER - Dive deep into the most profound upgrade of KUNDALINI REIKI®. This potent enhancement of energy is going to surround you in healing warmth and deep transformation stronger than before. 

◈ SWIFT EFFICACY - We've found this upgrade to be the fastest and most effective yet in achieving results across various topics, coupled with efficient transformative effects. 

◈ QUEST FOR THE SELF AND EMPOWERMENT FOR ALL - Every upgrade carries its own unique universal message, which is what distinguishes each one, although the essence remains consistent. Just as before, you're being presented to the efficient and powerful KUNDALINI REIKI®. However, staying current with the times is the responsibility of every energy system: to address universal challenges in an updated manner. 

◈ CRAFTING THE FUTURE - Living in the present moment has always been the key to peace and depth. Yet, with this recent energy update, there's a newfound emphasis on looking towards the future in a meaningful way. Our aspiration is to enhance our present world so that future generations can experience an even better "now."

◈ UNIVERSAL BEACON - This time, the energy upgrade emphasizes not just on powerful transformation and enhancing personal potential, but also beautifully encompasses work on every facet of our lives: spiritual, emotional, business, health, and material realms.

◈ NEW COMPREHENSIVE MANUAL - In receiving this upgrade, we recognized that it merited a more detailed and contemporary manual than what you might be accustomed to. With gratitude to our spiritual guides, we were inspired to create an online book - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO KUNDALINI REIKI©, that perfectly balances depth and accessibility. With a newly revised 130+ pages downloadable book, you have ample information at your fingertips!

◈ EXCLUSIVE DESIGN - Take pride in a beautifully crafted certificate that reflects your dedication and commitment!


Dear friends, 

Allow us the honor of introducing you to the masterpiece of Reiki traditions - the KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE!

At the dawn of this year, our cherished trademark - KUNDALINI REIKI® celebrated its silver jubilee with a rejuvenating PLATINUM upgrade. With open hearts, you embraced it, fueling it with your passion for growth. This symbol swiftly became an indispensable guide on your spiritual journey. Your heartwarming feedback has been a testament to its impact, and together, we've cast this spiritual gem across the globe.

Now, we warmly invite you to experience the most profound and comprehensive upgrade yet, setting a new horizon in the realm of healing - KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE!

This is not merely a course, but a voyage through the sumptuous seas of spiritual evolution and the grand halls of energy mastery. Crafted with a blend of ancient wisdom and the avant-garde revelations of the modern age, KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE offers a sanctuary for the soul, a veritable delight for the spirit. It's a transcendent symphony of healing and self-discovery, one where each note resonates with the harmonics of the universe.

In the core of our being, it's a natural human inclination to seek progress, enrichment, and profound experiences. Just as we've come to expect from you, you ardently pursue profound transformation, balancing strength with gentleness, all in the quest to unveil the finest version of yourself. You journey selflessly down the spiritual path, uncovering the deepest facets of your being, the universe, and life's purpose.

Throughout our shared journey, we have collaboratively shaped this Reiki style into one of the most swift and efficacious of our era. We are confident that, hand in hand, we're crafting a legacy - a beacon for future generations. This legacy will guide them to explore their vast horizons effortlessly, just as we navigate ours today. 

Each era has its unique challenges, but our shared aspiration is twofold: not only to find our own happiness but to empower future generations to create a world enriched in both spiritual and earthly realms. In this quest, we hope for a brighter, better world for all.

This time, fresh and exciting aspects of KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE await you. We also felt a warm and positive challenge when first introduced to these facets:

➤ During this profound spiritual journey, you'll immerse yourself in the most powerful KUNDALINI REIKI® energy upgrade to date, enveloping you in warmth and transformative strength. Harnessing an energy that effortlessly dances with time, preserving ancient wisdom, we present to you a singular beacon of support spanning every facet of life - be it spiritual, emotional, business, psychological, health, or material. Rest assured, this journey is a sanctuary of safety and warmth for everyone. From seasoned spiritual teachers and dedicated healers to those just beginning to traverse the vast expanse of self and purpose, all are welcomed and embraced on this exceptional spiritual odyssey.

➤ We're delighted to present you something truly unrivaled - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO KUNDALINI REIKI©. Nestled within these pages is a comprehensive exploration that delves deep into the heart of KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE. It's enriched by our extensive experience, and the invaluable insights from our cherished clients and students. This online book isn't just a profound spiritual tome; it also serves as a cutting-edge manual for KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE. Whether for personal enlightenment or as a beacon of knowledge for your students and clients, this guide promises to illuminate the path ahead.

We warmly invite you to join us once more on the journey of personal growth. We eagerly anticipate hearing about your transformative experiences and insights, as they inspire us to continually evolve alongside you. Welcome! 

KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE is the biggest update ever!

• Newly revised 130+ pages downloadable book including new information!
• Energy stronger than ever

With love and gratitude, 

Ole and Marijana

Gabrielsen Academy


Possibly the simplest healing and self-development system that exists!

What is Kundalini?

Basically, Kundalini means that certain healing channels and chakras have been opened, and you have thereby gained access to the Earth’s energy. The Root chakra, which is the energy center located near the coccyx, acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. The Kundalini energy is also referred to as ”the Kundalini Fire”. Hereafter, the energy runs all the way up through the body, through the “main energy channel”, and out of the Crown chakra. This energy channel goes from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra on the top of the head. An open Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body parts, and the energy channels is obtained. A person who has, or has had problems with wrong Kundalini awakening, or other problems with the Kundalini energy, can usually be helped with Kundalini Reiki. 

What is Reiki?

Reiki means “Universal life energy”. You can have access to Reiki via “attunement”. During the attunement, different energy centers (Chakras) and energy channels are opened/strengthened. This way you can have access to this energy and channel it through your hands. You can then “switch on” the energy, just by intention. Reiki can also be used on animals, plants, water, etc. Furthermore, it is possible to accelerate your personal development process drastically by opening the Kundalini.


The well-known medical symbol Caduceus (also called the Staff of Hermes) carries the hidden meaning of the Kundalini Awakening!

The staff itself represents the Kundalini channel (Sushumna). The head of the staff represents the crown chakra and the wings represent freedom and liberation! The 2 snakes represent the double-stranded DNA.

DNA is the physical representation of the Awakened Kundalini energy.

An additional 2 energy channels are activated (compared to pre-Millennium and Ultimate versions)! 

Starting at the root chakra, these 2 energy pathways are spiraling up and around the spine and out of the crown chakra. These 2 energy channels are often symbolically referred to as the “kundalini snakes”. They don't have anything to do with snakes but merely act as a symbol of the DNA. 

When the Kundalini is awakened, including the 2 energy pathways, it activates the DNA, as the awakened Kundalini represents it and is a blueprint of it. 

Like a tuning fork, the DNA begins to sing along with the awakened kundalini and becomes activated. As a result, this will help activate hidden gifts, our true potential, and talents from the DNA, forgotten memories, and talents from past lives.

The Kundalini Reiki Ultimate system is passed on as 1 attunement.

Via the attunement, your chakras, your main energy channel, and your energetic connection to Earth will be cleansed and enhanced!

The attunement will open the healing channels to allow the channeling of Reiki energy.

The 7 chakras will be opened and the Kundalini will be activated! You will have a free flow, running from Earth, up through the Chakras, and out of your Crown Chakra!

Extra included attunements contained in the Kundalini Reiki Ultimate system: 1 - Balance, 2 - Diamond Reiki, 3 - Crystalline Reiki, 4 - DNA Reiki, 5 - Birth trauma Reiki, 6 - Location Reiki, 7 - Past Life Reiki.

You are taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance. You are also taught a specific Kundalini meditation. When you perform this meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing takes place.

You are further taught how to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Ultimate system.
Your attunement is performed in advance for you, and you will then be able to receive the attunement at your convenience.


Q: I noticed that the previous versions of Kundalini Reiki have 3 levels. Why does the new Kundalini Reiki Ultimate only have one level?

A: Over the years I have found that performing all 3 levels in one go gives the most balanced and harmonious experience. So, therefore, the system now includes everything in one level, including the older “booster” levels.

Q: What's the difference between for example Kundalini Reiki 2025, 2026, Platinum, and Ultimate?

A: The number behind the attunement name was the previous version number. It was originally intended to follow the years, but as energy is shifting and rising quickly, it's now simply a version number, not connected to the year it seems to represent. So basically Kundalini Reiki 2026 is a stronger version of Kundalini Reiki 2025. Do you need to upgrade? You decide. If you like any of the systems and want to use the strongest version, then you might consider upgrading. With the Ultimate version, I no longer provide the version number. The energy will still continue to upgrade, but it’s up to the student if he or she wants to keep up with the newer energy. Optional re-attunement to the system can be done with benefits with ½-1 year intervals. 
"...I completed the course today. Thank you very much, I am still feeling that my hand chakras and earth star chakras are expanding..."
Just ordered your Kundalini Reiki and attuned to it. My goodness… this is the most effective shaktipat ever. And no guru worship! Thank you for spreading your gifts!
"...Thank you so much for the upgraded Kundalini Reiki (ultimate) energy system and the well-detailed manual.While receiving the attunement,I felt compassionate energies all around me and a vibrant, powerful energy in all my chakras. The energy is swift, gentle, and extremely transformative.The energy is stronger compared to the previous versions.🙏🙏..."
"Thank you :) I love your Kundalini energy. It's changing my life."
"...I appreciate your guidance during the Kundalini Reiki initiation. I've noticed a significant increase in energy compared to the previous Kundalini Reiki..."
"...The new Kundalini Reiki (Ultimate) is indeed very powerful and I can feel that it's truly a huge upgrade. I also appreciate the new expanded manual and detailed instructions and teachings. Thank you for all that you do..."
"... When I sat for the attunement, I saw flames rise up and engulf me. There was a cleansing of my Third Eye Chakra. Then, I saw eight hands of light offering healing, cleansing and blessings of my Heart Chakra / Heart space. Beautiful!..."
Thank You, Ole, for the wonderful Kundalini Reiki Attunement. I was sleeping when the Attunement was performed but woke up feeling light and at peace. Did the KR Meditation and the energy was powerful (lasted for more than 5 minutes, actually around 25 mins). 


Thank you for the Kundalini Reiki Attunement and the beautiful certificate! The newly revised manual is self-explanatory; easy to understand and very helpful to a practitioner of any level! I really liked it! I tried self-healing with the energies and it is amazing! The first time I used it my whole body was buzzing! And afterward, I felt so happy for no reason! This is a wonderful energy upgrade! very healing; calming & loving energies!


My goodness, Ole, the new Kundalini Reiki is very powerful. I ran the exercise as you told me, and my body immediately began moving in big wave-life motion. The movement was very different from the previous Kundalini Reiki experiences I had and was quite impressive.


"...I have had a physio kundalini syndrome for more than 30 years. I was saved by your kundalini reiki..."


The energies were very strong!  It began with my third eye opening.  I saw people as if I was looking remotely.  Heard sounds and saw lights above and a few vortexes.  The conclusion I get is that my should was ready last night even when I didn't think I was ready.  I was still "up" a little this morning, so when I tested the attunement I actually became really relaxed and soothing and centered. 


Thank you! I received the Kundalini Reiki Attunement. I was guided to look at my hands, and I saw white fire coming from them. Ascended Master Kuthumi appeared, he guided me to you, and we connected.


 "...I thank you for this upgrade of kundalini reiki. I really feel a big difference. The energy of kundalini reiki seems to me more powerful and more perceptible than the old version. Thank you for this upgrade..."


 "...Thank you for the Kundalini Reiki Attunements, I had Kundalini Reiki attunements before, but this time the energy seems stronger. After the new attunements I have treated my husband who could barely walk these last 5 months due to tendon, knee and back pain. I gave him one session with Kundalini Reiki energy and after that we managed 4 days trekking in the Alps, it's that powerful!..."


Thank you so much for your wonderful attunements! I had an unforgettable experience with these energies! Looking forward to receiving more attunements from you :)


Thank you so much for the upgraded attunement (KR upgrade)! It is wonderful, incredibly strong and very uplifting! And the new certificate is very beautiful!


 Ole, I enjoyed my attunements, the energies are awesome like always. Thank you very much!


Again thanks again for being there where others and attunements have failed. They have so much power and healing.


 "...Thanks for the kr attunements. My short term memory problems and absences are gone!..."


 "...I felt the energy starting flowing, and my body got hotter, and my chakras were vibrant and energy flowing through them and I felt various energy sensations for a while.

This was done in the night before bed, and after around 30 minutes or so I felt very charged and full of energy. It was like I wanted to go work out or something, and it was impossible to sleep that night. I was awake until around 10 the next morning before I managed to get to bed and sleep.

And that is interesting, as it is very similar to experiences I've had with Kuthumi, as in some cases he have "charged" me with energy and done some energy work on me to remove blockages etc and expand my chakras and various other things, and in these experiences the same thing happened, I was left fully "charged" and wide awake and could not sleep those nights either.

 At one point during the attunement he actually appeared for me in a meditative state and seemed to be "overseeing" the process. This part was an inner vision sort of experience, and not the usual where I astral project and meet him in other planes.

So my conclusion is that the attunement certainly was received properly, and had strong effects in my case, and I want to say thanks for the time :)..."


 "...It was an utterly beautiful experience. I am not very visual, but I am feeling quite a lot on the energy side. After the attunement my foot chakras were incredibly widened, something like 10 cm! This is especially great for me, as I tend to "lose my earth". The meditation that followed the attunement was pure bliss. I felt again short cold currents of air around the 6th chakra. They tend to manifest in my meditations recently..."


 "...At the beginning, I was a little afraid that the attunement would not work for me (it was my first distance attunement). But I had a lot of tickles along the arms in the beginning. Then, all around the crown chakra. The impression of a golden light around me for some time and then to be near the sun and his light. And I fall asleep ! :-) At the end of the attunement, I put my hands on my heart chakra and they were incredibly hot ! (and yet, I am a Reiki Usui master). That was coooooooooolll and fun ! Thank you Ole...!


 "...Thanks for getting the attunement sent to me so quickly! I was recently attuned to Kundalini Reiki Master by a friend. I didn't feel anything from her attunements. Somehow I was led to your page while searching for something unrelated. Felt like it was a sign to be attuned again by you. Wow, I've never felt an attunement like I felt the KR1 that you sent. My whole body got hot and it felt like I had white light surrounding me. The intensity of the energy was amazing. I'm so impressed, I'm going to order the KR2 and KR3 from you right now..."