GOLD REIKI™️ ULTIMATE - Radiant Journey for Soothing Transformation, Harmonious Life and Spirit Elevation - TriEnhanced™️

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Some of the benefits of the GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE system: 

◉ TRANSFORMING FEAR INTO PEACE - GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE shines a light on our inner fears, transforming them into a serene sense of peace. This alchemical change is at the heart of this system, guiding you to a state of tranquility and security.

◉ TRANSFORMING NEGATIVITY - In the world of GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE, negative energy is not a foe but an opportunity for transformation. This practice empowers you to turn negative thoughts and feelings into positive, life-affirming energies.

◉ PURIFICATION - Just as gold is refined to reveal its true beauty, GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE purifies your energy field. It acts as a spiritual detox, clearing away impurities to reveal your true, radiant self.

◉ ENERGY PROTECTION - GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE creates a protective golden aura around you. This luminous shield safeguards your energy, ensuring that you are protected from external negativity.

◉ HEALING OF THE PHYSICAL BODY - Like a gentle, golden rain, GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE touches and heals the physical body. It nurtures and revitalizes, aiding in the recovery and maintenance of physical well-being.

◉ ENERGIZING WATER AND ESSENTIAL OILS - Infuse your daily life with the magic of GOLD REIKI™ energy. Energize your water and essential oils, turning them into a source of healing and rejuvenation.

◉ CHARGING CRYSTALS - Amplify the natural power of crystals with GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE. This practice charges your crystals with golden energy, enhancing their healing properties and connecting them more deeply to your intentions.

◉ RISING VIBRATION - Elevate your spiritual frequency with GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE. As you practice, you'll find yourself vibrating at a higher, more harmonious level, bringing you closer to your true spiritual essence.

◉ STAND-ALONE SYSTEM - GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE is a complete, holistic practice in itself. It's a self-contained journey to healing, needing no additional systems to realize its full potential.

◉ NO PREREQUISITES - GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE is accessible to all, regardless of prior experience or knowledge in healing practices. It opens its golden gates to everyone seeking spiritual growth and healing.

◉ PERFECT COMPANION TO KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE - While powerful on its own, GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE harmonizes beautifully with KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE. Together, they offer a comprehensive healing experience, blending the grounding energy of Kundalini with the transformative power of Gold.


Dear cherished friends,

It is with immense joy and heartfelt warmth that we introduce you to the luminous world of GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE - a shining beacon in the vast universe of Reiki traditions.

The GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE, with its gentle yet powerful golden energy, works in perfect concert with the transformative fire of the KUNDALINI REIKI® ULTIMATE. This synergy offers a comprehensive and multifaceted healing experience. We are having a remarkable period where both these paths have reached their zenith so far, offering the most refined and impactful versions to date. 

As we step into a new radiant year, we celebrate a new chapter in the journey of GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE. Inspired by your enthusiasm and dedication, we are thrilled to present the GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE. Your inspiring stories and experience have shown us the profound impact this spiritual jewel has had on your lives, spreading its golden light far and wide.

Today, we warmly invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey with the GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE, a transformative and enriching experience that sets a new standard in the art of healing.

This journey is more than just a course; it is a passage through the golden rivers of spiritual growth and the majestic halls of energy mastery. It is a transformative melody of healing and self-discovery, where each vibration harmonizes with the cosmic frequencies.

At our essence, we all share a natural yearning for progress, enrichment, and meaningful experiences. True to your nature, you seek profound transformation, as you strive to reveal the most radiant version of yourself. 

Every time brings its unique challenges, but our collective goal remains clear: to find our own happiness and to empower future generations to craft a world rich in both spiritual and earthly treasures. In this endeavor, we envision a brighter, more fulfilling world for everyone.

This time, we are delighted to share with you the fresh and exhilarating aspects of GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE. Embracing these elements brought us a sense of warm and joyful anticipation, and we can't wait to journey through them with you:

Embark on an exquisite spiritual voyage with GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE, experiencing a great level of energy refinement. This advanced form of GOLD REIKI™ enfolds you in its radiant, nurturing glow. It is an energy that intertwines with your life's journey, bringing harmony to every aspect - spiritual growth, emotional balance, career progress, mental well-being, health, and material prosperity. GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE is a peace and positivity for all seekers - whether you are a master healer, a devoted practitioner, or just beginning to explore the rich landscape of your inner self. Every individual is welcomed and cherished in this remarkable journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

We are thrilled to unveil an exceptional resource - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO GOLD REIKI™. Within these pages lies a treasure of knowledge, offering an in-depth exploration of the essence of GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE. Crafted from our big experience and enriched by the precious contributions of our esteemed clients and students, this digital guide is more than just a spiritual resource. It's a beautiful extensive online book for GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE, designed to enlighten both your personal path and that of those you guide - be they students or clients. This guide illuminates the way forward in your spiritual and professional journey. 

Here are the new topics that THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO GOLD REIKI™ will contain, in addition to the very well-known subjects:

⭐ The Birth of Gold in the Universe - Discover the cosmic journey of gold, from the heart of stars to our planet. Explore how this precious element was formed through stellar processes. It's a story that connects us to the vastness of the universe.

⭐ Ancient Myths and Legends about Gold - Delve into the enchanting world of myths and legends that have revered gold throughout history. Learn about the mystical roles that gold played in ancient stories. These tales highlight gold's timeless allure across civilizations.

⭐ The Timeless Value of Gold - Uncover the reasons behind gold's enduring value and appeal. From ancient times to modern economies, gold has been a symbol of wealth and security. This chapter explores gold's journey through different eras.

⭐ Gold in Various Cultures - Travel through diverse cultures to see how gold has been perceived and used. Each culture offers a unique perspective, celebrating gold in art, jewelry, and ceremonies. It's a testament to gold's universal fascination.

⭐ Cultural Significance of Gold in Different Countries - Learn about the specific roles and meanings of gold in various countries. From sacred rituals to royal treasures, gold's significance varies beautifully around the globe. It's a journey through diverse traditions and beliefs.

⭐ Tales of Famous Gold Discoveries - Relive the excitement and drama of history's greatest gold discoveries. These tales of fortune and adventure highlight the impact of gold on societies and individuals. Discover how these finds changed destinies.

⭐ Embracing the Healing Power of Gold - Explore how gold's radiance and energy can aid in healing and wellness. Understand the ways gold has been used to promote health and harmony. It's a journey into the gentle power of this precious metal.

⭐ The Historical Significance of Gold in Healing - Dive into the history of gold in traditional healing practices. From ancient remedies to modern uses, gold has played a key role in health and healing. Learn about its historical significance across different cultures.

⭐ Gold in Ancient Healing Practices - Uncover the ancient secrets and techniques where gold was used for healing. These practices show the deep-rooted belief in gold's medicinal properties. It's a glimpse into the past, revealing the wisdom of our ancestors.

⭐ Spiritual Significance Across Cultures - Delve into the spiritual aspects of gold in various cultures. Understand how gold's radiance has been associated with divine energy and spiritual growth. It's a journey into the deeper meanings of this precious metal.

⭐ Gold’s Influence on the Mind for Prosperity - Discover how gold affects the mind, fostering thoughts of prosperity and abundance. Learn about the psychological impact of gold on our mindset. It's an exploration of how gold can inspire and motivate.

⭐ Emotional Healing and Gold - Explore the soothing and restorative effects of gold on emotional well-being. Understand how this precious metal can aid in healing emotional wounds and promoting inner peace. Gold's gentle energy offers comfort and reassurance.

⭐ Gold in Medical Treatments in Past and Present - Examine the evolution of gold in medical treatments from ancient times to modern applications. Discover how gold has been utilized in various therapies and procedures. It's a blend of history and modern science.

⭐ Gold and Its Role in Immune System Support - Unveil the ways in which gold can bolster the immune system. Understand the scientific and traditional perspectives on gold's role in health. It's an exploration of gold's potential in enhancing our natural defenses.

⭐ Understanding Gold’s Vibrational Energy - Dive into the concept of gold's unique vibrational energy. Learn how this energy can influence our environment and well-being. It's an insightful look into the unseen power of gold.

⭐ Enhancing Meditation with Gold - Discover the serene and enriching experience of meditating with gold. Understand how gold can deepen your meditation practice, bringing a sense of calm and clarity. It's a journey into mindfulness and inner peace.

⭐ Alchemical Traditions and Transforming the Soul with Gold - Explore the mystical world of alchemy, where gold symbolizes transformation and enlightenment. Learn about the alchemical process and its goal of purifying the soul. It's a metaphor for personal growth and spiritual journey.

⭐ Gold's Role in Mystical Practices - Uncover the mystical uses of gold in various spiritual and esoteric practices. From ancient rituals to modern-day ceremonies, gold has a special place in the mystical world. It's an exploration of the deeper, hidden aspects of this precious metal.

⭐ Gold in Sacred Architecture: Temples, Churches, and Shrines - Marvel at the use of gold in the architecture of sacred spaces around the world. Understand how gold's radiance enhances the spiritual experience. It's a visual and spiritual feast, highlighting the beauty of these sacred places.

⭐ Creating Your Own Golden Sacred Space - Learn how to create a personal space infused with the energy of gold. This chapter guides you in incorporating gold elements into your environment for a serene and uplifting atmosphere. It's about making a sanctuary that reflects your inner light.

⭐ Gold in Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine - Delve into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and traditional medicine where gold plays a crucial role. Understand how gold is used for its health benefits in these holistic healing systems. It's a journey into the harmonious blend of gold and natural wellness.

⭐ Gold-Infused Skincare and Wellness - Discover the luxurious and beneficial world of gold-infused skincare and wellness products. Learn how gold particles enhance beauty treatments and promote skin health. It's an indulgence in self-care with a touch of gold.

⭐ Everyday Uses of Gold Reiki - Explore practical and simple ways to incorporate Gold Reiki into your daily life. Learn how this gentle energy can be applied for well-being and harmony. It's about bringing the healing power of gold into everyday moments.

⭐ Overcoming Obstacles with Gold Reiki - Find out how Gold Reiki can be a powerful tool in overcoming life's challenges. Learn techniques to harness this energy for strength and resilience. It's a guide to facing and overcoming obstacles with grace and confidence.

⭐ Emotional Healing with Gold Reiki - Delve into the gentle and soothing aspects of Gold Reiki for emotional healing. Discover how this practice can help heal emotional wounds and bring inner peace. It's a journey into emotional well-being and renewal.

⭐ Spiritual Development through Gold Reiki - Explore how Gold Reiki can aid in your spiritual growth and development. Learn about the deep connection between this practice and spiritual awakening. It's a path to discovering your true spiritual potential.

⭐ Combining Gold Reiki with Other Modalities - Understand how to blend Gold Reiki with other healing modalities for a holistic approach. Discover the synergies and benefits of integrating various practices. It's about creating a personalized and comprehensive healing journey.

⭐ Incorporating Crystals and Other Elements into Gold Reiki - Learn how to enhance your Gold Reiki practice by incorporating crystals and other natural elements. Understand the complementary energies of these elements with Gold Reiki. It's a fusion of natural energies for deeper healing.

⭐ Navigating Life Transitions with Gold Reiki - Gain insights into using Gold Reiki for guidance and support during major life transitions. Learn techniques to ease these changes and embrace new beginnings. It's about finding balance and clarity during times of change.

⭐ Enhancing Relationships with Gold Reiki - Discover how Gold Reiki can improve and deepen relationships. Learn about fostering harmony, understanding, and love with this gentle energy. It's a journey into nurturing and enriching your connections with others.

⭐ Attracting Prosperity and Abundance with Gold Reiki - Uncover the secrets of using Gold Reiki to attract prosperity and abundance. Learn about the mindset and practices that open the doors to wealth and success. It's about aligning with the energy of abundance and prosperity.

⭐ Integrating Gold Reiki into Daily Life - Get practical advice on seamlessly incorporating Gold Reiki into your everyday routines. Learn how to make this practice a natural and enriching part of your life. It's about living in harmony with Gold Reiki's gentle power.

⭐ Short Exercises for Busy Days with Gold Reiki - Find quick and effective Gold Reiki exercises for those busy days. Learn how to maintain your practice even when time is limited. It's about making Gold Reiki accessible and practical for every day.

⭐ Creating a Personal Gold Reiki Routine - Develop a personalized Gold Reiki routine that fits your lifestyle and needs. This chapter offers guidance on creating a practice that resonates with you. It's about making Gold Reiki a tailored and meaningful part of your life.

⭐ Deepening Your Connection with Gold Reiki - Explore advanced techniques to deepen your connection with Gold Reiki. Learn how to enhance your practice for greater understanding and effectiveness. It's a journey into the deeper aspects of Gold Reiki.

⭐ Staying Motivated and Committed with Gold Reiki - Discover ways to stay motivated and committed in your Gold Reiki practice. Learn about overcoming challenges and keeping your practice vibrant and meaningful. It's about sustaining your journey with Gold Reiki.

⭐ Mindful Breathing and Centering Techniques with Gold Reiki - Understand the importance of mindful breathing and centering in Gold Reiki. Learn techniques to ground and focus your energy for a more effective practice. It's about enhancing your Gold Reiki experience with mindfulness.

⭐ A Beginner’s Guide for Connecting with the Golden Light - Perfect for beginners, this chapter guides you through the initial steps of connecting with Gold Reiki's golden light. Learn the basics and feel the warmth and radiance of this healing energy. It's a gentle introduction to the world of Gold Reiki.

⭐ The Golden Shield for Protective Energy Practices - Discover an enlightening guide that unlocks the secrets of using Gold Reiki for protection and empowerment. This technique creates an energetic shield, harnessing the warm, nurturing glow of Gold Reiki. Dive into a journey of self-discovery and learn to safeguard your energy, bringing harmony and balance to your daily life.

We warmly invite you to rejoin us in this continuous adventure of self-growth and exploration. Your stories of transformation and newfound insights are our inspiration, driving us to evolve and grow together with you. Join us in this journey of golden transformation with GOLD REIKI™ ULTIMATE – where your path to spiritual enlightenment glows with the soft, nurturing light of gold.


The essence of gold, a unique element found in nature, possesses healing properties distinct from any other metal. Gold is a receptive material that can retain an imprint of the person who wears it.

The essence of gold is transformative and can act as a transmitter, especially when found in its raw, natural state. The energy emitted by gold is potent and invigorating, capable of transforming almost anything in the world!

When emotions of lower frequency such as pity, anger, shame, etc, come in touch with Gold Reiki, the transmitting process starts. The person gets lifted from those emotions and rises in frequency because of universal life energy and there comes transformation into joy, acceptance, self-love, self-healing, etc.

There are 3 levels of Gold Reiki and they should be delivered as one attunement. Do not separate levels of Gold Reiki.

The first degree is the attunement into the pure Reiki, either whole Usui or Original Reiki.

The second level is an attunement into the pure essence of gold.

The third level represents an upgrade to contemporary times, harnessing the energy of today's gold. This is the energy of gold currently found on planet Earth. It is essential to work with the purest essence of modern gold. With this energy, one can intentionally purify and cleanse physical gold, such as gold bars or jewelry.

During the attunement into the first level of Gold Reiki, you will feel that it first goes from the Heart chakra, and then it expands. It opens all chakras, but the Heart chakra is first reacting because, with the Heart chakra, we connect to God. That is our first opening up to the source.

The second thing you might notice during the second attunement is that the gold energy goes through the Crown chakra very strongly down through the whole energy system.

The third level is going everywhere around your aura because it completely surrounds you like a golden cocoon.

There are no pre-requisites for Gold Reiki nor is Gold Reiki a pre-requisite for any other Reiki style.

Gold Reiki can be used as hands-on healing or as a meditation. You can even create energy tools. Clear quartz is good for that and objects that are already golden. You can have a piece of gold that is charged with Gold Reiki and it will emit beneficial energy!

Benefits of Gold Reiki:

• Helps to heal our physical body
• We can energize water and oil
• Charge crystals with Gold Reiki as little transmitters in your house
• Transforms negativity
• Rises our vibration
• Stand-alone healing system
• No pre-requisites

Including a 139 page manual and a beautiful certificate!

🔄 This is a TriEnhanced™️ attunement that is performed three times, with a two-day break in between each. Click here to read more.


"...THANKS for the gold reiki attunement. Awoke calm and stayed steady calm all day, 18 years of fear gone. Such a great relief to be calm and nerves calm... "


"...Dear OLE, Your gold reiki attunement was extremely beautiful. I saw a huge golden yellow sphere which surrounded my whole body. Then, I felt immense joy. It was mesmerizing. Thank you so much..."


Thanks so much! This morning I have tried Gold Reiki at the park when I saw your email, for just 2 minutes cos I needed to go back to work, and OMG - my whole body and mind awakened! I am still feeling so alive, like unstoppable. After trying the energy my mind became so focused and sharp and this feeling and knowing/sense that there is nothing I cannot do or achieve is a constant! I looooove it!
