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Abundantia's Abundance Attunement Package - Abundance & Prosperity

Regular price €21,00

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We all care about how we live in this world. Wealth and health are two things that we worry about most of the time!

But what if we relaxed and found a way to be able to receive everything that we need and deserve?

Some of us even have thoughts about how we do not deserve to be safe, secure, and have enough money and things for life. The very first step is to accept the fact that we are here not to suffer but to enjoy and experience life. There are unique ways to realize that in our lives wealth and prosperity should continuously flow.

Abundantia, the Goddess of wealth, is more than willing to help us in that process if we open up to it.

This package contains:

Ascended Master Abundantia: Abundantia means "overflowing riches". Abundantia is the Roman Goddess of prosperity, abundance, success, and good fortune. Goddess Abundantia is very wise in the ways of financial affairs and she can help with guidance about attracting abundance and financial investments! She is also a protectress of prosperity and can help safeguard our valuables.

Abundantia's Abundance EnergyChanneled message from Abundantia: "The color of this energy is red (a red ray) and it's connected to the first chakra. It helps you to connect with the frequency of the abundance that already exists in this realm for you! So this energy connects you to something that is already yours, but that you don't currently have. It vibrationally brings you up to the abundance you deserve, that you need and what you already have in your "perfect reality!"

The energy is a high frequency. It is, of course, for abundance, for money, for wealth, but for also for health. Further, it's for grounding, and for everything connected to the earthly plane/physical realm. It's the energy that is suitable for meditation and you don't need to use it as a healing technique. It's enough simply to meditate with it for 10-20 minutes a day. You will feel it in your lower chakras. It's especially good to combine with the energies for grounding and to perform a grounding exercise, with affirmations for grounding. Nowadays money has a higher frequency than usual and it's rising. We should go to that vibration of money and wealth as well. 
Channeled message from Gabriel: "This energy works in such a way, that you are being adjusted to corresponding material energies on this earth plane. It's an adjustment tool. That's what you could call it. It's a meditative technique. By meditating, you open yourself up for good things. Especially if you, at the same time, are on the frequency of abundance. When you are relaxed, you don't block, you don't make shields, you don't put up "brain barriers" to block the abundance that is coming to you. Because the only thing that is separating you from your abundance is you! Not the famine, not the president, not the other people, but you. So this is the technique that will make you more prone to receive what is already there for you! And there is abundance for everyone! That's the point."
Abundantia's Arrow: Abundantia's Arrow is a red-colored, very strong and powerful energy from Ascended Master Abundantia! It is called an arrow because of the way it moves. The energy goes directly to the Root Chakra and it spins while it opens the chakra. The energy of Abundantia's Arrow is connected to the material and earthly world. It is excellent to use for grounding, and especially good to use for goal setting! You can also use the energy to "make a wish" and put the energy of Abundantia's Arrow into that wish! It is not only used for money and prosperity but generally for abundance in the outer world! The energy further works for "spiritual abundance" because if we separate these two things we do not function properly as it is a very important spiritual aspect of Muladhara. Abundantia's Arrow is further good to use before business meetings! To use, simply place the hands on your first chakra and activate the energy with your intention. You can also meditate with this energy for 15 minutes. You can even imagine an intention of a wish, project, goal, or plan, in your cupped hands and fill it up with Abundantias Arrow energy!
Abundantia’s Red FlowerAbundantia’s Red Flower is connected to the first chakra. It is a strong red-colored energy and it is purely for abundance! Not only in the material world but abundance in all aspects of life, spiritual as well. Abundantia’s Red Flower is called a flower because we will metaphorically blossom using this energy! You might feel heat while using this energy. After some time using this energy, you will begin to observe how things begin to change for the better, concerning abundance; how your perspective about abundance and the material world will change!
White Rose of Abundantia: Message from Abundantia: “Prosperity lies in peace. Let the flower of peace grow in you and your abundance will flourish. Peace is what is necessary for the world.”
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